Posted in Personal

1/29: Where am I and what day is this?

One friend came over with her car and we got two loads of small things over. I can’t access the larger unit until tomorrow. But other friend and her significant other are arriving shortly to haul the pattern cabinet and piano over. That’s pretty much all there’s floor space for in the smaller unit right now.

Here’s the thing: I can rent a ZipVan from Zipcar for a whole day for $115. Preferably tomorrow as then I have last bits of cleanup to do around here Tuesday.

Problem with this: I don’t have $115 to give them to reserve the van.

Since I don’t have a car of my own, I don’t have insurance, so while U-Haul might be cheaper for a day, I’d have to buy their insurance and pay for gas… with a Zipvan, all that is covered.




Creative Geek Of All Trades. Do you really need me to explain that one?